How BitCoin Earns Today's Rate and How to Buy
This currency was created by
satoshi nakamoto on 31 october 2008. And it was brought to everyone in january 2009.
Earlier it was in the form of an electronic currency but on 1 august 2017 someone
has been cut into two parts bitcoin (btc) and the bitcoin cash
As I said it is also a
currency like our rupees dollar, but there is a lot of difference between these
two. They can keep the rupees dollar you can put in your purse, it can be seen
in front of you. But Bitcoin is a virtual currency that we can not touch just
store. And that too in our online wallet.
It is used to pay bills,
from which you can also receive payment and send it. The value of a bitcoine in
today's time is 72,9735 (July 2019) and it continues to be lesser.
According to the Indian
rupee, this is approximately Rs. 7,97,535. But as you can see in the photo, it
was less than $ 400 in 2013 and went up to 10,622.90 in 2018, then it keeps
changing here.
If you can say in the asana
language then you can find bitcoine in 2-3 ways. The simple way is that you buy
a Bitcoin Directly for $ 656, and when you have a high rate, you can make good
money with it. Suppose you take a bitcoin of $ 656, then in a few days it costs
$ 756, then you can sell it at that time, you will get a direct benefit of $
100 directly. And $ 100 is approximately 6700 in Indian Rupees
Sell Product: - The other
way, if you sell something to someone, then instead of taking a bit of it, you
will get a bit cotton in your online account and if you have a higher rate, then
sell it. These are two ways to earn Simply bitcoine and earn more money than
that, but the third way is that you can buy bitcoin without buying any luggage
or buying a bitcoin without it.
Bitcoin Mining: - To earn bitcoin, we need a very good
processor computer whose hardware is very good. As I said, bitcoine is used for
online payment. When someone makes a payment from bitcoin, there is a problem
of some maths to verify the payment that has to be solved. And to solve the
problem of those maths, a great computer is needed to quickly solve the problem
of those maths. If your computer is so powerful, then there may be a problem
solvable of Walmath, so you can get some bitcoin in the form of a commission.
It is called bitcoin mining. And by doing so, ham bitcoin can earn but this
method is a bit difficult.
As you can see in the photo. These computers are used for
mining the bitcoin. And this computer is very demanding and power also uses too
How to buy
To buy
bitcoin, you will need an exchange, where you can take bitcoin instead of your
currency. There are some exchanges in India where you can buy bitcoin like
With the
help of these exchanges, you can easily buy bitcoins from them, for this, you
just need to sign up and pay the bidcoin in your account as soon as you make a
In this
post, you have given full information about how to earn a bitcoin, history of
bitcoin, investment in bitcoins, today's rate of bitcoin, bitcoine information,
bitcoin address, bitcoine, and if any question is made Comment below.